How do I register or enroll in classes?
An annual registration/enrollment fee of $50 per student is due UPON initial enrollment for our regular season of classes that begin in September. Sibling discount applies---see details above. In order to register/enroll in classes you will need to have your own PAC account. CLICK HERE to access or create your account. Once your account is set up you can access it anytime---please make a note of the email and password you use for your account for future reference. Once you are logged into your account you can: register for new seasons, enroll in classes, set up or change form of payment, view your billing history, make a payment, and view your child's schedule of classes. If you already have an account but have never signed in, just follow the above link and click 'Forgot my Password'. Then, type in the email associated with your PAC account.
Which Level of classes should I choose?
If your child's teacher has not approached you about moving them to a new level, we ask that you enroll in an age appropriate class in the same level as last year. Please note that we have students ranging from 3-18 years old and only 6 class levels, so all dancers may remain in each level for multiple years in a row.
If your child is a new student and you aren't sure what level class they should take, please email us at @pacificartscomplex.com for additional guidance.
How do tuition payments work?
All tuition and fees are to be done via AutoPay. When you set up your account, you will need to add an active credit or debit card to your account for us to keep on file. If you DO NOT have a card on file your student is not yet fully enrolled is may be bumped from the class if it fills up.
Monthly tuition fees usually run automatically on the 1st of each month. However, if the 1st happens to fall
on a holiday or weekend, tuition may run a day or two later.
Is tuition the same price every month?
Yes. Tuition is based on total for the season and is then divided into 10 equal monthly payments regardless of how many classes or weeks fall within a particular month. We’ve already factored in all holidays, short and long months, and additional studio expenses for June which include putting on the recitals. We do not prorate tuition for any reason other than adjusting the start date when adding a NEW class mid-month. This policy allows us to keep our tuition prices as affordable and accessible as possible.
What happens if a class is full and my student is placed on a waitlist?
Don't worry! There's a lot of movement between classes at the beginning of the season and the majority of people on waitlists end up getting into the class they want. If your child is on a waitlist, they will automatically be moved up the queue as people drop or switch classes. Once a spot has opened up you will receive an email notification. Please reply within 48 hours to confirm your child's spot in the class, at which time we will run tuition and move your student onto the roster. If we don't receive a reply within 48 hours, the spot will go to the next student on the waitlist. Please do not bring your child to a class for which they are waitlisted--those classes are already at maximum capacity, and as such your child won't be able to participate.
How do I drop a class?
We require a 30 day notice for a drop to be effective. If you would like to drop a class or transfer to a different one, we're happy to assist you. To drop a class, please fill out this drop form AND notify our office of the pending drop by sending an email to pacificartscomplex@gmail.com.
Do you offer make-up classes?
If your dancer misses a class, they may do a make-up in another class of the same age and level as long as the class isn't full. There is a limit of one make-up per class/per month. Make-ups for a given class will expire once that class has been dropped. Make-up classes cannot be used in lieu of monthly enrollment/tuition. Make-up classes are not offered for holidays or scheduled studio closures as those days have already been taken into consideration when tuition prices are set for each season. Please email the office to schedule all make-up classes. Please note: make-up policy may differ depending upon Covid guidelines.
Where can I buy Dancewear?
The easiest way to get dress code essentials is to purchase them directly from our office. We have competitive pricing and pass our studio discount on to you. If we are temporarily out of your size or style, we recommend purchasing online at Discountdance.com. They have a wide selection and quick shipping.
Dress Codes for each class are listed along with class descriptions---info link here.